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Simplify Incident Reporting with Incident123

Smartphones and tablets are transforming the way organizations report incidents. Digital incident reporting solutions allow users to report incidents quickly while in the field through mobile devices. These systems ensure that incident reports are completed timely, accurately, and efficiently, no matter where you are located.  Incident123 provides your organization with an easy-to-use, cloud-based incident reporting solution that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. 

Incident reports are a key component of any organization’s risk management strategy.  Organizations need incident reporting to keep their environment safe, accessible, and compliant. It also enables organizations to:

  • Learn from mistakes
  • Track progress
  • Track trends
  • Improve risk management
  • Take actionable steps

What is Incident123?

It is a method of electronically documenting information about a specific incident or event in real time. The recorded incident provides the ability to gain insights that allow for taking proactive measures to prevent similar events from happening again.  It can also help streamline the process of incident reporting with accuracy and efficiency.

Each incident is different; however, some critical pieces of information should always be included when reporting. These include:

  • Date and time of the incident
  • Description of what happened and severity of situation
  • Who was involved (victim, responder, healthcare worker, patient, witnesses, etc.)
  • Steps taken to address the incident (medical treatment, standard operating procedure, etc.)
  • Photos or videos recorded on a phone or tablet at the scene
  • Any other evidence and documents

What Types of Events Should be Reported?

  • Adverse events 
  • Near misses
  • Hazardous conditions
  • Security breaches 
  • Equipment malfunctions and/or failures
  • Customer complaints

What Happens After an Incident is Reported?

Organization leadership is immediately notified so action can be started.  Having your incident reports ready and thorough will reduce fines, provide guidance for preventive measures, and increase safety. 

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